Suzanne Martin has been an Advocate since December 2017. She has worked on two cases and most recently, she was able to attend her case adoption, Amy. Suzanne began her work with Amy in April 2021 after a CPS caseworker made a special request asking for an Advocate due to the type of trauma Amy experienced. Without hesitation Suzanne accepted.
When Suzanne started her journey with Amy, she was in a kinship placement with her maternal grandparents. However, shortly after, Amy was removed from her grandparents and was placed with her uncle's ex-fiancé, Gabby. Suzanne reached out immediately and met with Amy and Gabby. Suzanne learned that therapy was a priority for Amy and started advocating to ensure this service was made available. She was able to ensure that Amy was seen by a therapist twice a month. Suzanne always followed up on Amy's education as well. Amy had good grades, but she was struggling with reading so, Suzanne participated in the ARD for Amy which is a meeting between teachers and parents to discuss the needs of the child and to create an Individualized Education Plan. Being an educator herself, Suzanne understood the importance of having the recommendations from the ARD incorporated into the classroom and she pushed for Amy to have tutoring to help improve her reading skills. Amy was very skilled and advanced at art, she enjoyed art and drawing and Suzanne provided her with some art supplies when needed.
Once placed with Gabby, Amy started thriving. She started to feel safe and secure. Suzanne noticed that over time Amy would become happier, however, Amy was always worried that she would be removed from Gabby. Suzanne realized that this was the best placement and home for Amy and always supported Gabby's efforts to become licensed and pursue adoption. During the case, there was an incident that happened that almost caused Amy to be moved and Gabby's home to not become licensed. Suzanne worked diligently with CPS and the ad litem to ensure Gabby would not be moved. During this time Suzanne made extra efforts to visit with Amy since she was feeling anxious about being moved.
Throughout the case, Suzanne made sure Amy felt important and seen. She would give Amy the attention she needed and more. Every month Suzanne would follow each home visitor with an outing, taking Amy to places she wanted to go and allowing her to make her own decisions.
In April 2023, Permanent Management Conservatorship (PMC) was transferred to Gabby which meant that she has legal responsibility to Amy and that Amy was in her forever home. Amy wrote a letter to everyone involved stating, "Thank you for everything you have done for me!"
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