Advocates are required to have 12 hours of training during each fiscal year. If you are interested in attending any of the following classes, "Click to RSVP" below.
Leticia Sharp, Recovery Support Peer Specialist at the San Antonio Council on Alcohol & Drug Awareness (SACADA) will cover substance use disorders. As part of her discussion we will review definitions and background information, explain the concept of stigma and how it impacts individuals with substance use disorders. She will also highlight the importance of language in these discussions when collaborating with other partners or families.
Join Pamela De la Torre and Will Brown, Team Managers with CASA, for a training focused on collaborating with parents in your cases. Discover the do's and don'ts of working with parents, how to meet CASA standards, and essential considerations for effective engagement. Enhance your skills in communication and advocacy to support reunification efforts.
Join Melissa Davis, ECI Training Coordinator at Brighton Center, as she discusses the differences between behavior and sensory issues in infants aged 0-3 years. She will also cover how to identify key distinctions between behavioral outbursts vs sensory and the signs when it may be appropriate to refer a child for special needs services.
Dr. Parmar, a Child Abuse Pediatrician Fellow at the Center for Miracles, will discuss how child abuse may present to non-medical mandated reporters in San Antonio. He will compare statistics from our area to national figures. Attendees will gain a better understanding of the basic indicators of physical abuse and neglect, risk factors associated with child physical abuse, and the effects of these issues on children and families. Disclaimer: Graphic Images
Join Victoria Lara, the Collaborative Family Engagement Supervisor with CASA, as she discusses how to build rapport with the children in your cases by utilizing CFE tools. She will explore and demonstrate tools such as "My Three Houses," "Circle of Trust," and conversation cards. Don’t miss out—CFE is a fantastic way to collaborate, break the ice, and foster communication with the children and teens!
Jennifer Crippen, Collaborative Engagement Team Manager with CASA will be moderating a panel of former youth who have experienced foster care. The panel will discuss their time in care, the hurdles experienced, and the lifelong impact CASA Advocates can have on children who have aged out of the child welfare system.
Join Janiece Cantu, MSW, Director of Programs at SA Hope, for a presentation of their history and mission as well as a tour of the facility. Come gain insights into their collaboration with other agencies that support families in San Antonio and learn about their family assistance programs, financial literacy initiatives, positive parenting programs, and more!
Join Anna Munoz, Trauma Prevention Specialist at Childsafe, as she explores the foundations of child stress and PTSD. She will provide essential information on the different types of trauma and their effects on the brain and development. Participants will also learn about potential triggers for children who have experienced trauma, their behavioral responses, and ways you can offer support.
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