Brenda Rodriguez has found through a previous case that she has a lot of holistic support to offer young adults in College Docket. After completing her first College docket case, Brenda was requested by College Docket court staff to be assigned to Yari due to Brenda’s demonstration of Educational Advocacy and her strength of being a supportive person who is able to connect with our participants’ entire support network.
Upon assignment to her case, Brenda was aware that the children were frequently tardy or absent from school, setting them behind their peers. Yari was missing many days of school and subsequently was missing many assignments needed to graduate high school on time. Brenda maintained consistent contact with Yari for self-reports on progress and in order to encourage Yari to complete her work. Brenda also connected with Yari’s guidance counselor and teachers to create an education plan to graduate on time and double-check that all assignments were submitted. We were truly down to the wire, and Brenda’s ability to be supportive to the youth and school created an opportunity for Yari to not fall behind her peers.
During this chaotic time, Brenda was also able to push ahead with ordering Yari’s class ring, ordering graduation cap and gown, and scheduling senior portraits with the assistance of College Docket and PEARLS court. Rather than putting the cart before the horse, this further encouraged and solidified to the youth that graduation was possible!
We are happy to say that Yari has graduated from High School and has been accepted into Alamo Colleges to pursue a career in Cosmetology. With the college docket team, Brenda has been at the forefront to ensure Yari has her tuition benefits, supportive housing, and any items needed to furnish her future apartment through the THRU project. So, Yari is prepared for her transition to adulthood and higher education, Brenda has also made diligent efforts to ensure Yari is connected to therapy and community supports.
Brenda’s compassion and advocacy has directly impacted Yari’s current and future successes. Brenda’s compassionate understanding of the need for holistic approaches to higher education and advocacy has directly contributed to Yari’s High School graduation and future in college.
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