Child Abuse Prevention Month
Help us spread awareness and support in the month of April.
Nearly 500 children suffer abuse or neglect every month in San Antonio.
With stay-at-home policies and self-quarantine causing stress and fear throughout the country and our community, more children are now at risk for child abuse and neglect. With schools closed, mandatory reporters such as teachers are not seeing children every day, and children may be isolated with their abusers.
All court cases have also been extended, and as a result, children may be in foster care longer, which can lead to negative long term outcomes. Following the health crisis, we anticipate increased removals due to child abuse and neglect, which will call for more Advocates to ensure these children are not going through the court system alone, especially after this traumatic time.
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, and we need your help. We need you to help spread awareness of the heightened risk for children as COVID-19 continues to keep children isolated inside homes. We need you to help stop the cycle of child abuse and ensure children don't walk their path alone. It costs $125 a month to serve a foster child. Help us serve as many children as possible this month.
Show your support on social media! Wear blue with us on
Friday, April 14, tag us on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook, and use #GoBlueDay. You can create your own post, or copy and paste from the content below:
Today I wear blue for #GoBlueDay, the official color of prevention, to bring awareness to child abuse. Pay it forward and show support for the children of Bexar County by wearing blue, sharing, and giving with [Tag CASA] :
Children in Bexar County need your support! I’m participating in #GoBlueDay with [Tag CASA] by wearing blue for child abuse prevention. If you want to join me in making a difference, share your own blue colors and consider contributing to stop child abuse in Bexar county:
If you have access to a printer, you can also print a branded sign to write why you wear blue to share when you take a photo: Download "I Wear Blue For..." or Download "I Wear Blue To..."
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virtual info session. RSVP today!
Share this page in a post or start a Fundraiser on Facebook (copy & paste content below):
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, and at risk children need help now more than ever. Join me in this cause to help children who are experiencing abuse and neglect during this time of self isolation in our community and give today.
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Voted Best Nonprofit to Work/Volunteer for
in San Antonio!