“I believe it's going on 2 years! I've always loved kids; they have always gravitated towards me. Now that I'm getting older, I started thinking of maybe becoming a foster parent, but the only interactions with kids I had were with my nieces and nephews. I figured this would be good to really know what it's like to interact with foster children AND be a voice for them especially before I decide to become a foster parent.”
“The most rewarding aspect of this is knowing that these kids have someone to count on and confide in. I am truly interested in what is best for them. I remember thinking I wish I had more mentors growing up; someone who is a good role model to remind me that there is good in the world despite current tough situations. When the kids are happy, I'm happy.”
“You might feel nervous at first because you don't know what to expect but just you being there will already mean so much to the kids! They need kindhearted people like yourself to really listen to them, and to help express how they feel.”
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