September Advocate Spotlight

Allie Rivera

Advocate: Joseph Zlotkowski

1. How long have you been an Advocate and when did you realize you wanted to become one?

"I was sworn in February of 2023, after learning of the opportunity from my sister in December 2022, who knew I wanted to foster children instead of having my own.”

2. What is the most rewarding aspect of being an advocate?

“Being able to be a listening ear for those who have not had anybody make the time to just hear them. Asking even the most trivial and mundane questions allows my foster youth to have a sense of normal connection and conversation that I believe many of us can take for granted.”

3. If you could offer some words of encouragement to your fellow and incoming Advocates, what would they be?

“Do whatever you can to help your foster youth feel more relaxed. I was so focused on doing the right thing in the beginning that I feel my formality got in the way of my connection with my foster youth. Once I felt more confident and relaxed, I saw my youth open up more.”

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Bloom Where You're Planted in CASA's Newly Renovated Space
By bfines 24 May, 2024
Lynn Wilson swore in as an advocate on February 10th, 2023, and signed on to Ivy and Marcus’ case, in April. Ivy and Marcus, ages three and one, entered foster care in March of 2023 due to concerns of severe physical neglect and neglectful supervision by their mother. The children were born out of state and the mother had previously been involved with Child Protective Services in Arizona and Nevada. Lynn has been an unwavering presence in the lives of these young children. Since the case began, Ivy and Marcus have endured several challenges including four placement changes. When Ivy and Marcus were placed in a different foster home outside of San Antonio, Lynn consistently made the 7- hour round trip drive to see them. Lynn is one of the only familiar faces Ivy and Marcus know and can consistently count on. Lynn's involvement goes well beyond visiting the children. This case was further complicated by the fact that the children were born out of state and when they were brought into care had no identifying documentation such as birth certificates. The case was also struck by several worker changes and the kiddos’ needs were in danger of falling through the cracks. Lynn diligently contacted various stakeholders to secure essential information to include learning how to request the kiddo’s birth certificates. She ensured Ivy and Marcus’ dental, and medical appointments were scheduled. She also reached out to different community resources to help support a kinship placement in town so that Ivy and Marcus wouldn’t have to be sent to yet another foster home. When the children were placed with relatives in November of 2023, Lynn continued to support the children and the placement by assisting with transportation and even providing fresh fruit for Ivy and Marcus, so they had access to healthy snacks. For their birthdays, Lynn brought cupcakes to their daycare, so that Ivy and Marcus could experience a sense of normalcy by celebrating with their peers. This case is far from over and as of right now Ivy and Marcus have not found their forever home. Thankfully Lynn is right there advocating for their needs every step of the way.
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